Monday, May 18, 2015

The Things I Buy

Me: Remember those Clone Wars elastic wristbands from, like, 2009?

Jessa: Yeah, aren't those the ones you never found because the stores were sold out, and you were too cheap to buy them online?

Me: Uh huh.

Jessa: So?

Me: Ever since then I've always regretted not getting them, and I just found them online for $15 bucks... Soooo....

Jessa: For elastic bracelets?


Jessa: Hey, it's your money--- Are those clone pencils? ARE THOSE CLONE PENCILS!?

So yeah. Star Wars fans have bizarre wish lists... It's very hard to explain to my friends that, yes, I can be appeased with Star Wars pencils, elastic bands, and a cardboard cutout of Chewy to guard me as I sleep. I mean, what else could I possibly want!?

Saturday, May 9, 2015

So My Grandmother's House is Maybe/Kinda Haunted by a Jedi Ghost

So the title to this post is kinda long and complicated, but it pretty much explains itself, yeah?

I've always had an overactive imagination. I attribute it to a healthy dose of Scooby Doo and creepy stories I was made to read in school, like one where a dead guy's foot snapped off from getting too cold, and another guy tricked this other guy into thinking the cow ate him.*

*Actual story I was made to read

Thankfully I've grown out of being a chicken, for the most part. (My sister would laugh at that, and tell you no.)

But I tell you, some pretty strange things have happened in my grandmother's house. Here's a paraphrased version of what happened.

This evening-

Sister: Did you turn the tv off last night?

Me: No, we fell asleep with it on.

Sister: No, I turned it off last night and put the remotes on the table.

Me: Okay, so?

Sister: It was on when I woke up.

Me: ...

Sister: ...

Me: It's our own Jedi ghost I'm so excited what are we going to name him

Sister: ...Felix.

Quick Note

I've been blogging for less than a month, and I'm already feeling the pressure to conform. I kept telling myself things like-

"No, you have to write this not that or no one will ever read your stuff."

"If you don't fit the mold, you'll be stuck talking to yourself on website that only two people a year read."

But you know what, I started this blog for a reason. So what if I spend the next three years talking to myself on a blog? If I want to write about space unicorns that fly to Mars, then I'll do it!

Life's too short. Write. Write bad. Write good. Write what you want. Write what makes you laugh, 'cause life's too short to try and conform to something you're not. Be spectacular for being you, because in this world, being yourself truly is a rare thing.

Peace out <3

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Star Wars Day

I was planning on opening this post with a Star Wars joke, but nah. That would be cheesy.


What did the Jedi say to the sheep?

May the force be with ewe!


Sorry. I decided I had better use it or loose it.

So tomorrow's May the 4th! Star Wars Day! I'm sure you need no reminding at this point. There will be Star Wars posts and sales and marathons galore to keep you reminded. I don't know about you, but I've got some pretty amazing plans in store for my Star Wars Day- college finals! All right! Come on, I know you want to trade places with me.

Actually, the only way I'm getting through tomorrow is by pretending I'm taking a final at the Imperial Academy. (I can't be the only person who does this.)

But the day shouldn't be a total loss. I also plan on painting a new Star Wars shirt, and I might use my action figures to stage a diorama of Jabba the Hutt's palace. My cat has been cast in the role of Jabba. It's a part that seems to suit him.

So my advice for a successful day of Star Wars merriment?

Don't be a college student with finals. 

And pass along this friendly PSA to your friends: Cats love chewing on action figures. Guard them with your life.