Sunday, May 3, 2015

Star Wars Day

I was planning on opening this post with a Star Wars joke, but nah. That would be cheesy.


What did the Jedi say to the sheep?

May the force be with ewe!


Sorry. I decided I had better use it or loose it.

So tomorrow's May the 4th! Star Wars Day! I'm sure you need no reminding at this point. There will be Star Wars posts and sales and marathons galore to keep you reminded. I don't know about you, but I've got some pretty amazing plans in store for my Star Wars Day- college finals! All right! Come on, I know you want to trade places with me.

Actually, the only way I'm getting through tomorrow is by pretending I'm taking a final at the Imperial Academy. (I can't be the only person who does this.)

But the day shouldn't be a total loss. I also plan on painting a new Star Wars shirt, and I might use my action figures to stage a diorama of Jabba the Hutt's palace. My cat has been cast in the role of Jabba. It's a part that seems to suit him.

So my advice for a successful day of Star Wars merriment?

Don't be a college student with finals. 

And pass along this friendly PSA to your friends: Cats love chewing on action figures. Guard them with your life.

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