Saturday, May 9, 2015

Quick Note

I've been blogging for less than a month, and I'm already feeling the pressure to conform. I kept telling myself things like-

"No, you have to write this not that or no one will ever read your stuff."

"If you don't fit the mold, you'll be stuck talking to yourself on website that only two people a year read."

But you know what, I started this blog for a reason. So what if I spend the next three years talking to myself on a blog? If I want to write about space unicorns that fly to Mars, then I'll do it!

Life's too short. Write. Write bad. Write good. Write what you want. Write what makes you laugh, 'cause life's too short to try and conform to something you're not. Be spectacular for being you, because in this world, being yourself truly is a rare thing.

Peace out <3

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